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Green Card Lawyer in Tampa

Helping Clients Through the Complexities of U.S. Immigration Law

Those who wish to work and reside in The United States of America legally must first obtain a green card. The application process for obtaining a green card can be an arduous legal process, one with several steps and necessary forms to complete. If even the slightest error is made in the immigration application, it could negatively affect your application, potentially resulting in it being denied or delayed indefinitely. For this reason and so many others, it is highly recommended that you speak about your immigration matters with an experienced green card attorney.

Our Tampa law firm, led by immigration lawyer Ernesto Buitrago, has extensive experience representing clients in complex immigration cases as they pursue legal permanent residency, naturalization, and other objectives. As your legal representation, we’ll review your case to ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements for applying for green cards and then assist you with your application process.

To learn more about our legal services and how we can help you with your immigration situation, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our South Florida law firm to schedule your free initial consultation today.

What is a Green Card?

A lawful permanent resident card (also known as a green card) allows immigrants to live and work legally in the United States on a permanent basis.

There are three main categories of green cards available to immigrants:

  • Family-based immigration green cards.
  • Employment-based green cards.
  • And asylum or refugee status-based green cards.

When a person has a green card that’s been issued by the US government, they do not have to request special permission to change employers or switch jobs, and they are allowed to stay in the United States for as long as they’d like.

However, a green card does not grant its holders the same rights as U.S. citizens. For example, only U.S. citizens can vote in elections held in our country. Additionally, green cards do not allow legal permanent residents to live in other countries for more than one year if they wish to retain their legal status in the United States. Those who violate the terms of their green card or commit serious crimes may face deportation proceedings and other consequences.

How Long Are Green Cards Valid?

Most green cards are valid for up to 10 years. After a decade has passed, green card holders can renew their green cards. They do not have to reapply for a green card. You will get a new green card in the mail and can continue to use it to verify your legal permanent resident status.

If you have been granted conditional permanent residency, your card is likely only valid for two years.

What Are the Benefits of Obtaining a Green Card?

Obtaining lawful permanent residency in the United States affords a person with significant benefits, including the right to live and work permanently in the United States. You will be allowed to reside here without the need for a visa or work permit. This will provide you with stability and security in your professional and career pursuits.

Green card holders are eligible for certain government benefits, such as education, Social Security, healthcare, and more. These government benefits can contribute to your overall well-being.

As a green card holder, you have the right to travel freely throughout the United States. You may also leave the United States and return without a visa, which allows you to travel to your home country for business or pleasure.

After you have obtained a green card, you may opt to sponsor certain family members to become legal permanent residents, too. This will enable you to reunite with your loved ones and build a life together in the United States of America.

Can You Become a U.S. Citizen After Being a Legal Permanent Resident?

Being a green card holder puts you on the pathway to U.S. citizenship. After you meet certain requirements, you may be eligible for citizenship if you maintain continuous residency in the US and pass a necessary citizenship test.

Provide our law office with all your relevant information, and we can help you pursue naturalization as a green card holder. The pursuit of naturalization with legal representation can be the difference between a successful case and a denial.

Can You Obtain a Green Card Through Employment-Based Immigration?

US immigration law provides foreign workers with several different paths to becoming green card holders in the United States.

Whether you need to be sponsored by a US employer with a qualifying job offer or you may self-petition yourself as a uniquely skilled individual will depend on your qualifications.

How to Get a Green Card for Your Family Member?

Among the most common ways for a foreign national to obtain a green card is through family-based immigration. If you have a United States citizen relative, they may be able to sponsor you for a green card.

According to the terms of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), eligible family members for sponsorship may include:

  • A spouse.
  • A fiancé.
  • Unmarried children under age 21.
  • Parents.
  • Certain other family members who may fit into preference categories.

What Other Legal Options Are There for Obtaining Green Cards?

In addition to family-based immigration and employment-based immigration, there may be other ways to obtain an American green card.

Other paths to green card eligibility may include:

  • The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) status.
  • K non-immigrant visa status.
  • Special immigrant juvenile status.
  • Asylum or refugee status.

Contact our Tampa, Florida, green card attorney to discuss your immigration goals in more detail today.

Schedule a Free Consultation with an Experienced Tampa Immigration Attorney Today

Before you apply for a green card, it’s important to determine your eligibility. As your legal representation, our legal team can provide invaluable assistance in determining your eligibility and helping you with your application. Immigration attorney Ernesto Buitrago has years of experience dedicated to helping clients immigrate to the United States for business, family, and other reasons. Whatever your objectives, we would be proud to listen to your case and represent your interests as you pursue your green card.

Schedule a free case evaluation by contacting our Tampa law offices at 866-519-3545